55th Annual Conference of the Money, Macro and Finance Society

4-6 September 2024
University of Manchester
United Kingdom

Manchester University Skyline

Full Programme (PDF)



[DAY 1] Wednesday 4th September 2024

  • 11:00-12:00 Registration (Schuster Foyer)
  • 12:00-13:15 Lunch (Schuster Foyer and Annex)
  • 13:15-13:30 Welcome (MMF Chair & Organisers) (Schuster Rutherford Theatre)
  • 13:30-15:00 Special Session: The Productivity Institute (Schuster Rutherford Theatre)
    + Parallel Sessions 1 (see full programme)
  • 15:00-15:30 Coffee / Tea Break (Schuster Foyer)
  • 15:30-17:00 Parallel Sessions 2 (see full programme)
  • 17:00-17:30 Coffee / Tea Break (Schuster Foyer)
  • 17:30-18:30 Keynote Speech: Benjamin Moll (LSE), (Schuster Rutherford Theatre)
    BenjaminMoll240906_Slides_MMF (PDF)
    Chair: Paul Levine (University of Surrey)
  • 18.30-21.30 Bank of England Drink Reception
    (Christies Bistro, Whitworth and Christie)

[DAY 2] Thursday 5th September 2024

  • 08.30-9.00 Registration and Coffee/Tea (Schuster Foyer)
  • 09.00-10.30 Parallel Sessions 3 (see full programme)
  • 10:30-11:00 Coffee and Tea Break (Schuster Foyer)
  • 11:00-12:00 Keynote Speech: Barbara Rossi (University of Pompeu Fabra), (Schuster Rutherford Theatre)
    Chair: Laura Coroneo (University of York)
  • 12:00-13:30 Lunch Break (Schuster Foyer and Annex) + AGM (TBC)
  • 13.30-14.30 Keynote Speech: Ayşegül Şahin (Princeton University), (Schuster Rutherford Theatre)
    AisegulSahin240906_Slides_MMF (PDF)
    Chair: Chryssi Giannitsarou ( University of Cambridge)
  • 14:30-15:00 Coffee / Tea Break (Schuster Foyer)
  • 15:00-16:30 Parallel Sessions 4 (see full programme)
  • 16:30-17:00 Coffee / Tea Break (Schuster Foyer)
  • 17:00-18:30 Special Session by BIS (Schuster Rutherford Theatre)
    + Parallel Sessions 5 (see full programme)
  • 19.00-22.00 Dinner at The Midland, (separate booking): 16 Peter Street, Manchester, M60 2DS

[DAY 3] Friday 6th September 2024

  • 08.30-9.00 Registration and Coffee/Tea
  • 09:00-10:30 Parallel Sessions 6 (see full programme)
  • 10:30-11:00 Coffee / Tea Break
  • 11:00-12:30 Parallel Sessions 7 (see full programme)
  • 12:30-13:30 Lunch Break (Schuster Foyer and Annex)
  • 13:30-14:30 Keynote Speech: Florin Bilbiie (University of Cambridge), (Schuster Rutherford Theatre)
    Chair: George Bratsiotis (University of Manchester)
    FlorinBilbiie240906_JohnsonLecture_MMF-Keynote_THANK_slides (PDF)
  • Closing Remarks - End of Conference



The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Special Session: Fiscal policy and inflation

  1. Fiscal backing, inflation and US business cycles
    Frank Smets and Raf Wouters.
    RafWouters240906_Slides Fiscal backing and inflation in US business cycles - MMF 2024 Manchester (PDF)
  2. Other days, other ways? Fiscal and monetary policy reaction functions over the past seven decades
    Gong Chen, Antoine Cornevin and Boris Hofmann.
    BorisHofmann240906_CCH_MMF_updated (PDF)
  3. Fiscal stimulus plans and households’ expectations
    Fiorella De Fiore, Marco Lombardi and Albert Pierres Tejada.
    FiorellaDeFiore240906_Fiscal_announcements_and_inflation (PDF)
  4. Fiscal sources of inflation risk in EMDEs: the role of the external channel
    Ryan Banerjee, Valerie Boctor, Aaron Mehrotra and Fabrizio Zampolli.
    RyanBanerjee240906_Stagflationary fiscal expansions (PDF)

MMF Special Session: Finance, Investment, and Productivity Growth in the UK
The Productivity Institute

Organized by Catherine L. Mann (Bank of England, Alliance Manchester, Brandeis University)

  1. Firms’ sales expectations and marginal propensity to invest:  UK Experience
    Andrea Alati (Bank of England), Johannes J. Fischer (Bank of England), Maren Froemel (Bank of England), Ozgen Ozturk (Oxford University)
  2. Evidence on the use and importance of corporate hurdle rates in the UK
    Krishan Shah, Phil Bunn and Marko Melolinna  (all Bank of England)
  3. Institutional shareholding, common ownership and productivity: a cross-country analysis
    Maria Bas (OECD), Lilas Demmou (OECD), Guido Franco (OECD) and Javier Garcia-Bernardo (Utrecht University)
  4. Do Equity Gaps Matter? Evidence from High-Growth Enterprises’ Investment Decisions"
    Viet Dang (Alliance Manchester)
  5. Capital Market Risk Premia: UK Cities and Regions compared to Europe
    Michiel Daams (Gronigen) and Philip McCann (Manchester)


George Bratsiotis (University of Manchester)
Patrick Macnamara (University of Manchester)


The main conference venues will be the Roscoe Building and the Schuster Building.


For further information (Key Dates, Registration Fees, Programme, Dinner, etc.) and to apply please contact the local organising programme committee team at [email protected] or [email protected].