11th Annual MMF PhD Conference

11-12 June 2024 (in person)
University of Surrey

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Hosted by the School of Economics and the Business School at University of Surrey

Peter Sinclair prize winners

Joint 1st place: £250

  • Momo Komatsu “Cap or not to cap?”
  • Alena Wabitsch “The messenger matters”.

2nd place: £150

  • Andrew Preston “Risky jobs and business cycles” 

3rd place: £100

  • Ivan Shchapov “It is taxing to be coherent” 

11th Annual MMF Ph.D. Conference, 11-12 June 2024

Lecture Theatre F, University of Surrey, Guildford

Tuesday 11th June

11:00 – 11:15 Registration and refreshments

11:15 – 11:30 Opening remarks from Prof. Annika Bautz, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

11:30 – 13:00 Session 1

  • Andrew Preston – University College London
    Risky Jobs, Risky Assets and Risky Business Cycles
  • Hedieh Shahini – University of Warwick
    International Inflation Correlation Risk: Hedge or Trade, Nature Spirit

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

14:00 – 15:30 Session 2

  • Jacob Stevens – University of St. Andrews Is Quantitative Easing a signal?
    A unified model of the signalling and portfolio balance channels
  • Yevhenii Skok – University of Liverpool
    Estimating DSGE Models: Did the Effective Lower Bound Represent a Constraint on Monetary Policy in the UK?

15:30 – 16:00 Break and refreshments

16:00 – 17:30 Session 3

  • Momo Komatsu – University of Oxford
    To Cap or Not to Cap? Energy Crisis in a Currency Union
  • Naoki Yago – University of Cambridge
    Monetary and Exchange Rate Policies in a Global Economy

19:30 Conference dinner

Wednesday 12th June

09:30 – 11:00 Session 4

  • Mary Tzaawa-Krenzler – Goethe University
    Frankfurt Heterogeneous Attention to Inflation and Monetary Policy
  • Alena Wabitsch – University of Oxford
    The Messenger Matters

11:00 – 12:30 Poster session & refreshments

  • Leonardo Barros-Torres – University of Surrey
    Secondary Markets and Selective Defaults
  • Rositsa Chankova – University of Oxford
    Looking through non-core shocks? Unravelling Eurozone Inflation Dynamics and Policy Implications from Food and Energy Prices
  • Pengguang Lu – University of Manchester
    Herding and Wealth Heterogeneity in the Macroeconomy
  • Luigi Pivano – University of Bath
    International trade, Environment and Directed technical change
  • Myoung Eun Chin – University of Kent
    Loss Aversion and Wealth Inequality
  • Mariia Vartuzova – University of Glasgow
    The distributional effects of monetary and fiscal policy interactions in a heterogeneous agent New Keynesian model

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch

13:30 – 15:00 Session 5

  • Ivan Shchapov – Institut Polytechnique de Paris
    It is Taxing to be Coherent
  • Sweta Pramanick – Queen’s University Belfast
    The Impact of Employment Protection on Productivity: Crowding-out Effects of Financial and Operating Leverage

15:00 – 15:30 Break and refreshments

15:30 – 17:00 Session 6

  • Haokun Pang – University of Birmingham
    Health and Economic Inequality During Pandemics
  • Mohd Taufiq Bin Mohd Zin – University of Nottingham
    The interaction of domestic bank loans with exchange rate and foreign interest rate